2. Cyber Anthropology in Video Game


Interactive Prototype / 2022.7
#DataVisualization #GenerativeArt #Tableau #Houdini

With the development of technology and the ravaging of the pandemic, online gaming has become a form of entertainment for the masses. In the increasingly 'hyper-realistic' cyberspace, the identities of players are deconstructed and reassembled, and their gaming cognition is gradually changing. This graduation project starts with big data related to gamers, using Foucault's Archaeology of Knowledge as a theoretical framework and Gadamer's theory of play as a philosophical foundation. It focuses on the differences and developmental changes in the gaming cognition of cyber-humans in the online gaming field, sketching out the portrait of the new era's gamers—cyber-humans. Combining digital archaeology with the goal of data visualization experience design, it delves deeply into the life essence contained in the data through interactive charts and data art. It allows viewers to step by step immerse themselves in the memories and depths of the life of cyber-humans, experience the visual enjoyment brought by big data, and feel the neural impulses of the cyber-humans.

This work uses a dataset from MARKO. M. (Kaggle), which collected relevant data including 21 million comments on the Steam gaming platform, 12 million players, and 315 games.

This work was completed using Tableau and Houdini.

Click here to experience the interactive prototype.
The prototype is currently only available in Chinese version.